I Am Bhubaneswar

Item Particulars

  • STAMP, City Events, City Signage, City Website for visitors

Project Time Period

  • 12 Months

Mode of Implementation

  • PPP / Turnkey Works Contract etc.

Project Cost: - (in INR Crores)

  • Variable

Features and Components

I Am Bhubaneswar has been envisaged as a comprehensive City Branding project in order to create a unique identity for the city, with a series of innovative initiatives and public events fueling a strong camaraderie among citizens by strategic placemaking and activating idle public spaces.

Major initiatives under this project include

  • STAMP (Street Art and Mural Project), comprising public art installations, murals and experiments in street paintings.
  • City Signage project to standardize and improve way finding especially for public spaces with integration universal accessibility features at public places.
  • Signature City Events such as Patha Utsav (weekly street festival), Ekamra Walks (weekly heritage walks), Music In Park (Music concert in city Parks) and Annual City Festival
  • City website, Bhubaneswar.me as a one-stop information portal for tourists and visitors in the city

Benefits to the citizens

Identifiable landmarks in the city, improved aesthetics & overall cleanliness, activated idle public places, improved wayfinding assistance, positive image building by promotion of heritage, art and culture, enhanced access to information on the city and overall inculcation of a sense of pride about the city we live in.

Present Status

  • Street Art and Mural Project undertaken at over 2 lakh sqft idle space along major streets and 4 flyover underpasses
  • City Signage design completed and implementation expected in 2018
  • 35 Patha Utsavs and 85 Ekamra Walks completed
  • 4 Music In Park programs completed at IG Park
  • Bhubaneswar.me website completed

Implementing Agency

Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited / Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation / Bhubaneswar Development Authority / Public Works Dept., Govt. Of Odisha